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23/09/2020 Trustees wanted

Permolat Southland is looking for two of motivated and fit persons who could become our facilitators and liaison people who can liaise with DoC Invercargill and Te Anau and The Backcountry Trust and also plan, organise and participate in hut maintenance and track cutting and logistics and purchasing with a view to becoming Trustees.

There are two positions available. These positions are purely voluntary and would suit enthusiastic people with a love for the back country and some spare time to put into this endeavour.

Interested? Please contact Alastair at Permolat Southland to talk about the job description.

3/6/2020 DoC 200 traps

We are looking to get hold of 50 DoC200 stainless steel tunnel traps if anyone knows where we can source these from. preferably ready made up and cheap. We need them for the Deep Cove trapping program.

25/05/2020 preliminary notice of Deep Cove trip.

Stanley and I are starting to put together a trip into Deep Cove to do trapping and trap line cutting. We will be going in for about 5-6 days
The trip will be in about 2-3 weeks time and definite dates will be fixed later
We are looking for people who can service traps and cut tracks.
Once the team is fully assembled we will give out full details.
contact me if you are available.

12/03/2020  Reports

we have a couple of new reports for Tautuku hut and the Lyvia river track, check them out on the reports page

22/01/2020 Deep Cove trip

Hello All, we have a team for the Deep Cove trip and they have been notified. Thanks to everyone else who showed an interest, we do appreciate your enthusiasm for the work on remote huts and tracks.

22/01/2020, Tautuku Hut

Hello All, we have a team for the Tautuku Hut and they have been notified. Thanks to everyone else who showed an interest, we do appreciate your enthusiasm for the work on remote huts.

19/01/2020, Tautuku Hut

Hi all,

We are looking to go in and do the Tautuku Hut make over on the Friday 21st to Monday 24th Feb (weather permitting)

We will be building a new toilet, a new sky light, removing the roof, placing new building paper then priming and refitting the roof, lining the ceiling, and painting everything.

We need 6 people, (two to tent out), (it would be really to have at least one person with building skills).

2 people already signed up, we need another 4. First to reply goes. It will be a chopper in and out trip.


Alastair Macdonald


15/01/2020, Deep Cove Track Cutting

Hi all, we have enough people who have put their hand up to cut the track at Deep Cove. thanks everyone.

13/01/2020, Deep Cove Track Cutting

I am organising a trip into Deep Cove to cut the wind falls on the Old Doubtful Sound Track. There are 8 wind falls  on the track that we will have to cut around and re-route the track. I will bring a hedge trimmer and a scrub cutter and Billy Williams will do any chain saw work needed. Each person will need a set of loppers and a hand saw.


We will be going over for 4 days on the 12th to the 15th of Feb. and if that is wet we will defer to the 17th to the 20th Feb. I am looking for 6 fit people to cut this track.


I will confirm all details when the time comes closer. Please email me if you are available,(alastairmac66 at outlook dot com) (it will be a first in first come situation).

10/01/2020, Alastair Macdonald.

Alastair Macdonald has been forced by health reasons to drastically change his lifestyle. He is suffering Artrial Fribulation, it is caused by irregular electric signals in the heart’s upper chambers, (the Artria), and plays out with palpitations, shortness of breath and fatigue, (not pleasant when combined with COPD which he also has).

It can be triggered by a sudden increase of hard exercise, stress, fatigue, and alcohol.

Consequently, Alastair has to seriously cut back on all tramping, trapping, track cutting and hut repairs, especially in the alpine area. (This is most of the activities Alastair performs as part of his role as a Trustee of Permolat Southland).

It is with regret, therefore that Alastair must resign his active role in Permolat Southland. He will, however, attempt to stay on in a strictly administrative role helping with logistics, purchasing, and information management, (such as the web page, Facebook and the email list, and applications to BCT etc.), and base camp co-ordination, but only contingent to this admin not becoming stressful or a burden on his health.

Permolat Southland will need more trustees to take up the activities vacated by Alastair. Please consider volunteering in a more active role with Permolat Southland.

30/11/2019, Annual General Meeting.

Permolat Southland is due to have it’s A.G.M. in the near future, it will be held at the home of Stanley Mulvany 96 Redmayne Road Myross Bush off Bainfield Road. Everyone is welcome. we will be looking at electing 2 or 3 more Trustees so come prepared to serve Permolat Southland Trust in a greater capacity. we will publish a date closer to the time.