Trust team

Greg Wilson, Trustee, Chairman

Greg lives in Tuatapere and has spent much of my life in New Zealand’s remote regions. An experienced outdoorsman who lives and thrives in the wilderness. He has a great love for the birds, wildlife and landscape of  Fiordland and enjoy sharing its beauty with others..

Stanley Mulvany, Trustee, Secretary.

I am a retired GP in Invercargill. I have a keen interest in alpine climbing most of my life, a member of the NZ Alpine Club and a committee member of the Southland Section for many years. My main focus now is divided between Mountain packraftineering and volunteering on conservation projects. I have been the coordinator of the Southland Section of the NZAC conservation initiative since 2012 and in the last year a trustee of Permolat Southland.


Gavin Sinclair, Trustee, Treasurer.

Gavin is an ex vet and has a passion for the wild outdoors and spends lots of time out doing projects in the bush.